At our Core, Hillside is about feeding people in many important ways.
The responsibility of Christian life is to love God and love others (Matthew 22:36-40). At Hillside, we do that by serving, caring, learning and worship. Through formal programs and informal approaches to life, Hillside Christian Church envisions the practice of Christianity as welcoming, engaging and supportive of all people. We do this through:
Core practices are essential to our community.
Through groups, classes, service, and worship, Hillside seeks to connect people to God and to one another. This happens through intentional participation. That's why we're continually trying new ideas for gathering people together. When we connect, we know that we belong.
Service and belonging are only possible when there are opportunities to grow and mature in faith. We call this discipleship. It's all about learning who Jesus of Nazareth was, and how we can live as authentically as he did. Making disciples of Jesus is a core practice of Hillside, because that's where community begins, and that's where a servant heart is nurtured.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where's the guest & accessible parking?
Guest parking is in the upper lot along the east side of the building. Spots are marked "Visitor". Accessible parking is in the upper lot near the NE entrance. Spots are indicated with blue signage.
2. What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in. Jesus wore sandals to church.
3. What about my kids?
We offer a Children's Moment during 10:30 worship, and encourage families to worship together as often as possible. Bibles & faith-based activity bags are available for children. Seasonal or thematic learning pages are also available during worship for kids.
4. How do I join the church?
We want to make it easy to be a member at Hillside. At the end of each service, the Pastor invites anyone who wishes to join the church to speak with them afterward. Please see the Pastor to express your desire to join the church. They'll probably have a few questions for you, and want to learn about your church background. See our "I Want to Join" page!
5. What are your main beliefs?
Like all Christians, we believe that God is creator, Christ is redeemer, and the Spirit is humanity's companion. We experience the congregation as part of the Body of Christ, and all who profess Jesus as Christ are invited to participate in the ministry of the Church. Salvation comes through God's grace, and is exemplified through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Hillside Christian Church is part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination. In this tradition, congregations are varied in practice and structure, but hold common expressions as central to our Christian faith. As one branch of the Restoration Movement, we try to live into our heritage by the aphorism, "in essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity."
We practice and observe the two sacraments of Jesus: Baptism and Communion. We practice a baptism by immersion (fully under water), because that's how Jesus was baptized by John (Matthew 3:13-17). We celebrate communion weekly because Christ called his disciples to remember him each time they met (Luke 22:14-20). We practice an inclusive, affirming hospitality, because as Christ welcomes us, we so must welcome all others. This openness is for all people.
We take the scripture seriously, worship joyfully, and serve humbly.
6. How do I get involved in a group or ministry?
Just talk to the Pastor, and they'll point you in the right direction.
Guest parking is in the upper lot along the east side of the building. Spots are marked "Visitor". Accessible parking is in the upper lot near the NE entrance. Spots are indicated with blue signage.
2. What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in. Jesus wore sandals to church.
3. What about my kids?
We offer a Children's Moment during 10:30 worship, and encourage families to worship together as often as possible. Bibles & faith-based activity bags are available for children. Seasonal or thematic learning pages are also available during worship for kids.
4. How do I join the church?
We want to make it easy to be a member at Hillside. At the end of each service, the Pastor invites anyone who wishes to join the church to speak with them afterward. Please see the Pastor to express your desire to join the church. They'll probably have a few questions for you, and want to learn about your church background. See our "I Want to Join" page!
5. What are your main beliefs?
Like all Christians, we believe that God is creator, Christ is redeemer, and the Spirit is humanity's companion. We experience the congregation as part of the Body of Christ, and all who profess Jesus as Christ are invited to participate in the ministry of the Church. Salvation comes through God's grace, and is exemplified through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Hillside Christian Church is part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination. In this tradition, congregations are varied in practice and structure, but hold common expressions as central to our Christian faith. As one branch of the Restoration Movement, we try to live into our heritage by the aphorism, "in essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity."
We practice and observe the two sacraments of Jesus: Baptism and Communion. We practice a baptism by immersion (fully under water), because that's how Jesus was baptized by John (Matthew 3:13-17). We celebrate communion weekly because Christ called his disciples to remember him each time they met (Luke 22:14-20). We practice an inclusive, affirming hospitality, because as Christ welcomes us, we so must welcome all others. This openness is for all people.
We take the scripture seriously, worship joyfully, and serve humbly.
6. How do I get involved in a group or ministry?
Just talk to the Pastor, and they'll point you in the right direction.